Monday, February 8, 2010

First School Assignment- 39

Part A:
Please write 3 each of the most interesting, fascinating, powerful questions, ideas, and experiences you've encountered about school.

Why do we have to go to school now, at such a young age?
What parts of the school curriculum do we need now? Or at all?
What should be added to or taken out of the school curriculum?

What are the pros and cons of school?
How can they be altered to make school time spent more wisely?
What can be done to make our own learning experiences more worth while?

What are the personal and emotional experiences with school?
What is good/bad about these experiences?
How will the social experience of school help or hinder us now? in the future?

Part B:
Please explore one aspect or moment of school in a 2-4 paragraphs. Show us what's strange or great or awful about it. Talk about how you feel about it - how do you think it came to be - what consequences it produces.

I think that it is interesting how we interact with the people in our school when school is just a routine part of the first 18+ years of life. I have made some amazing friends through my experience in school so even though there are things that we learn that don't seem so important or interesting, it seems okay when you have interesting people to go though it with. I believe that the general view of school is that it is a boring place where we just kill time until we have to leave and do whatever we want. But personally, I don't find it as boring as people make it out to be. I don't necessarily jump out of bed every morning excited to come to school but its not completely boring either.

Another interesting aspect of school is that it is supposed to prepare us for the future. It takes almost 20 years before society believes we are mature and ready enough for the real world. The authority figures hype up the idea of the work force and the real world for so long. The four years of high school prepare us for college and the four + years of college prepare us for our career that we are supposed to know. I believe that all these several years of preparing is delaying us. Those who know what they want to do have to fill the years of required courses to fulfill that career choice. But I guess if one does not know what they want to do, they have several years to decide. I'm not sure which is better.

But I do believe that school and college should not be enforced with so much pressure. It looks so bad if you have not gone through high school or college. People do not take you seriously if you have not gone through the several years of schooling that you will most likely forget within your experience in your career anyway (more specifically the generic curriculum learned in high school). I do think education is important but there should be more freedom. Society makes me believe they want me to be like everyone else, go to high school, go to college, get a generic job and be just like everyone else.

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