Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Class Film Preparation 1- Hw 47

-The students should have the "lovable" tone in their community similar to Dangerous Minds, it would make it realistic in relation to SOF.

-Students are unmotivated due to self consciousness similar to Dead Poet's Society this can be realistic in certain cases, maybe not for everyone and this can be shown in the film.

-Students are unmotivated because they do not believe school holds any significance in their life, there are more important things, also very realistic.

-Teacher uses analogies that relate specifically to the student's lives.

-Teacher has a quirky personality that the students at first find annoying but come to relate to.

-The trope of the dramatic change of how the students feel about the teacher from disapproval to approval.

- Along with the trope of change in student's attitude towards the teacher, should be a change in setting/tone to emphasize this change.

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