Monday, April 12, 2010

Treatment for Savior/Teacher Move- HW 48

The film begins from the perspective of select 2 students from a humanities class and the perspective of the teacher. The first perspective is from the teacher, Benjamin Brooks, he walks into the school building anxious and prepared. Next is the nerdy girl, Anna Robertson she walks into the school building, shoulders slumped and avoiding eye contact with anyone and a book in hand. The next perspective is the popular cool guy, Jimmy Kendall he walks in with his head held high and his ipod blasting an edgy but popular song.

These two students go to their seperate advisories, Anna is sitting in the science lab studying. Jimmy is in the next room talking to his friends and being told to be quiet by Mr. Morrison, the health teacher just as it was time to go to first period. All while Mr. Brooks is preparing for the humanities lesson today.

Anna and Jimmy check their schedules and find their way to their humanities class. Once they arrive, Mr. Brooks is writing a question on the board and all the students form several clusters, Jimmy and Anna go to their seperate clusters of friends who happen to have the same class. Most of the kids are mumbling and snickering at the new teacher, wondering what he is going to be like. Mr. Brooks finishes writing the question and the students immediately are put off by the question and do not want to answer it, "What would you do if you only had one day to live?"

Most of the student's immediate responses are, "How am I supposed to answer that?" or "Nah, I've got time, I don't need to worry about it" and the funny guy says "I gotta live for more than one day, I've got a date on Friday" the class responds, "ayeeee" and there is a circle of high fives with the cool kids. Jimmy, as one of the cool kids, chimes in with the rest of that cluster. While the rest of the class quietly laughs to themselves and wait for the teacher to start the class.

Mr. Brooks is kind of nervous so now there's an awkward silence while he gets his thoughts together as the students look around questioningly, wondering if the teacher knows what he is doing. He says "Oh right...this is where I'm supposed to teach..." another awkward silence. "I'm Mr. Brooks and I will be your humanities teacher for the next semester, now let's go around and everyone say your name and something about yourself." Everyone says their name and something like, their hobbies, or favorite foods, etc, but the protagonists say things about themselves pertaining to the question Mr. Brooks wrote on the board eariler. This catches Mr. Brook's attention and class ends just as Mr. Brooks wants to discuss what the two students said. All the students make their way out of class and disperse to their next class.

The next day starts off similar to the previous but Anna, Jimmy and Mr. Brooks enter the school angrily. As soon as it is time for first period, the three main characters are in the same room. Mr. Brooks looked at his lesson plan just as all the students sat down and decides to go on a walking trip to the park. The class has mixed reactions, Anna and Jimmy particularly are satisfied with the park trip. The three main characters are trying to get their mind off of what was bothering them. The class gets to the park and Mr. Brooks has the class do an activity that the majority of the class enjoys.

The class, now more comfortable with each other while merging clusters, Mr. Brooks has everyone sit in a circle on the grass and he asks that everyone goes around and says the first thing that comes to mind, anything. Then he asks that everyone think about the one thing they want at that very moment. Mr. Brooks then asks everyone to go around and say at least one thing that is preventing them from getting what they want. The class opens up, mainly focusing in Anna and Jimmy. Mr. Brooks becomes the savior/teacher who shows the students how to express themselves.

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