Monday, October 26, 2009

HW 15: Comments

Esther- I appreciate that you had so much passion in this post, you seem to really enjoy photography and it was nice that you incorporated that into this unit.

Basically, you researched about Brownie cameras which seem to be old fashioned kind of cameras.

I can connect with you where you say that pictures today do not hold much meaning. I agree, I feel like in general, all the pictures today are to brag about yourself, to post on facebook and tag your friends. Cameras today as so high-tech, they will capture everything, whereas, I believe older kind of cameras seem to have more character and it has more meaning. But I'm guessing that at the time period, those cameras were pretty impressive and were just like any other picture. But I guess now we appreciate the history behind it.

You could maybe deveop this post by getting more into what a brownie camera is because I didn't really get a clear understanding of it.

Maybe you could explore what brownie cameras were generally used for at the time and who used them.

Cool research topic-Sandy

Esther- your experiment was very unique.

This blog post, from what I understood, was that without DRDs you were able to apply your emotions physically instead of digitally

I agree that many things are expensive just because its 'branded,' you have to pay extra to be labelled.

This post could be further developed by organizing and making transitions between your ideas I agree with Andy, this would be a pretty cool short story, I would read it.

Exploring, "America's culture is twisted and base on Death." I thought this idea was very interesting and well put. Aside from the Columbus encounter, how is America's twisted culture related to death?

Very creative- Sandy

Esther- I appreciate that even though you did not finish the book, you made an effort to have a general understanding of what happened and get the assignment done.

You basically said that Feed, as an allegory, was on point with the parallels between Titus's life and our own.

I agree with, "Tidus is living a good life but a tragedy. I don't think they are truely happy anyway. They are just following the norm," I think Titus and his friends just do what they think will make them happy according to society, not according to their own beliefs.

To develop this post by including specific examples of how your life is like Titus's. For example, when you said "The randomness of these conversations entertain our "ignorant" minds." maybe you could explain a specific random conversation that entertains our ignorant minds.

To further explore this post, you could connect Violet's quote that you mentioned to our culture, "Do you know the earth is dead?...We take what's coming to us. That's our way." The earth is dead, and death is what builds up our culture (referring to your experiment post) so, the United States being a "leading country," how does our culture influence the rest of the world?

You post influenced some interesting ideas, I liked reading it- Sandy

Omar- You had a very clear and specific post.

You were bascially saying that Feed is on point in the analogy, teenagers relate to Titus pretty closely.

I agree with you where you said that Tobin decided to make the book a traged to make it more realistic. I wrote something along those lines on my blog post as well.

To devlop this blog post maybe by organizing your paragraphs more concisely. For example, in your second paragraph you have two different ideas, so maybe split that up in two seperate paragraphs.

To explore your ideas, after reading this book do you think it has/will influence you to change your DRD habits? How do you think that would affect your life?

I enjoyed reading your post -Sandy

Omar- I like how your post sounded like you were genuinely interested in the book, it made it nice to read.

You basically pointed out the tactics Tobin used to make his book a successful allegory.

I agree with you where you say that although the book is targeted to teenagers, anyone can get something out of it. I said something similar in my post.

To develop your ideas maybe you could use specific examples by using quotes from the book.

To explore this more by thinking about whether Tobin's art would be as effective if it had not been so harsh about the realities of our lifestyles.

You had an interesting perspective in this response- Sandy

Omar- I thought your post was well written

Your main idea was that the two excerpts that you read offered different, more positive ideas about television and video games.

When you make a point to bring up the argument that although video games are frustrating, people still buy them, I thought this was an interesting argument, I see my brothers get frustrated over the games they play but they continue to buy the next versions.

you can develop this post by organizing your ideas in a clear way.

To further explore your ideas, you can get into the specific similarities and differences between Feed and the excerpts.

great post- Sandy

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