Sunday, November 1, 2009

HW 16- Big Paper 1 Outline

Thesis: The media presented through DRDs manipulate the way we live and distract us from the deception in the world.

Argument 1: The media in advertisements presented through the internet and television manipulate the clothes we wear and distract us from the deception of the world.
-->The advertisements tell us how we should look and what we should buy and distract us from political issues.
*Feed ("Feeling blue? buy some blue jeans..everything must go!")
*Wall-e ("Blue is the new red")
*Digital Experiment (TV attracts more attention than reading because it feeds you the info)

Argument 2: The media is spread through digital conversations in casual conversations distracting us from the deception of the world
-->When one person is manipulated by advertisement, it is then spread in every day conversations when people talk about what to buy, distract us from real human thoughts
*Own experience (When I talk with others about making smart decisions about purchases)
*Andy Lecture (all we ever think about is what to buy)

Argument 3: The media in advertisements presented through the internet and television manipulate our minds to believe what is a necessary purchase to distract us from the control advertsers have over us.
-->Media makes us belueve that we always need the next best DRD to be socially acceptable in society, this distracts us from the fact that we are being manipulated.
*My Video blog post
*Feed (Violet's father needed the feed to be taken seriously in the work force)

Argument 4: The media expressed through movies influece viewers about their own lives and distracts them/us from reality
--> Movies make viewers believe their lives have to be just like the characters in the film distracting us from coming up with our own ways to live.
*Tsui Lecture (is that allowed?..our views of love and romance are based on how it is portrayed in the movies)
*Feed (Violet's dreams and Titus's expectations came from movies)

Argument 5: The media expressed through advertisements about DRDs manipulate the way we are looking for our lives to be so simple, distracting us from the reality of our complex lifestyles.
-->the latest digital technologies make us believe that convenient and easy is good, distracing us from physical activity.
*Video blog post (we minimize the way we use our bodies)
*Wall-e (the people don't ever have to move, they live their lives completely digital)

Argument 6: The media expressed through advertisements and movies makes us believe we want to be happy, this distracts us from living our life to the fullest.
--> Norms make us believe that conforming will make us happy but fitting into the norms distracts us from actually living our lives to the fullest.
*English I<3 huckabees ("We waste lots of time doing meaningless things that don't really allow us to live our lives to the fullest.")
*Feed (Titus is always chasing cool but never reaches it)

-->In the past there have always been expectations to be 'normal' or like everyone else if not more strict.
-->In the future, I predict that the norms will slowly bein to be broken then then new norms will form as well.
(I need to find sources for this..)

-->One could argue that the media only influences the way our lives are and we essentially chose the way we live (Banach's absolute freedom)
-->I disagree and believe that in the end we all do what's easist, choose the life that is laid out for us algorithmically. We may think we are deciding for ourselves but ultimately we are chosing the easy path rather than the creative path (which I think is difficult to find).

-->It is important to see how the DRDs are manipulating our minds so we know what lies behind the amusing and shiny digital devices and ultimately do something about it.


  1. Sandy,
    Everything seems really strong. The arguments are very strong and the thesis is solid. You seem to have a good sense of what your going to do in your paper and it seems like a very strong start. The only thing I might add is some numerical information showing how much time or money people spend doing pointless distracting things. Something along those lines. I think that would make your paper even stronger.

  2. Sandy-
    I agree with Omar for the most part. your arguments are really strong and your thesis is good as well.
    I really like how you're connecting to english class that shows how much you are really into your thesis.
    I agree again with Omar, numarical evidence may be a good addition to your paper. looking forward to the outcome

