Thursday, May 6, 2010

Survey Analysis- Hw 53

Taking the survey felt pretty okay, I didn't really have too much trouble answering questions, some of them related to my personal life that I normally wouldn't feel comfortable answering if the survey was not anonymous, so that part of the survey was effective. An interesting question was in the self, politics section, "This culture sees me as a success." I feel like there are several levels of success. There's the success in the family, where your family accepts your accomplishments, then in the school, how well you do as a student, and on the bigger scale, state wide or nation wide. Personally, it made me think of applying to college and the difference in success in high school and success in college. Success in high school could be the equivalent of failure at a highly prestigious college. Which is more accepted in American culture?

Some interesting results I noticed, was that, generally there is a prominant reliance on family and friends. The majority of the people who did the survey seem to be on good terms with their family and have reliable friends they can depend on. For the questions, "You trust your family." the majority answered yes, In addition, the majority said they have at least one friend they tell virtually everything too. This makes me wonder, why do we have such a self reliance on other people? And what are the drawbacks and benefits to these self reliances?

The "DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE..." article had different results than the results from the survey. Specifically in the partnering-romance-sexuality section. According to the article, 50% of New York high schoolers have had sexual intercorse whereas in our survey said 32.7% of those who answered have been sexually active. This experience of comparison shows the inaccuracy in the informal quick survey. There are many factors that can affect our research. If not everyone answers the questions, or if people are dishonest in answering the questions. There is a possiblity both surveys are true but our survey only included our school which could also affect the results of the reseach we are looking for. This means we must be specific in our research and keep in mind the factors affecting our results.

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