Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Comments in Response to HW3:

I liked that you used specific personal experiences and included them in your blog, they were a good use of stong examples.

You basically said that although it gets very exciting to use the internet to connect with people it should be balanced real life.

I can personally connect because I remember when I first got AIM in 8th grade (I think a little later than everyone else) and I would get so excited to talk people but then it tones down to just the main people you talk to and generally my conversations on aim are not as long as they used to be. So we live up to the hype of it at the start but then it tones down after a while, much like most things I would guess.

I think this could have been more thought out, possibly including other forms of digital media such as texting and phone conversations and television and video games including to online connection. Or maybe looking at the pros and cons about just digitalization in general.

After reading your blog I think I'll notice more about the exitement of things at the start and see how they fade into casual things (usually).

You had an interesting common personal experience that other students I think can relate to, Thanks for sharing! - Sandy

Brendan- I like how you started off with initial questions and worked from there, I thought that was a good way to being this blog entry.

I saw that you main idea was that people go on facebook to make themselves feel more important because they are gossiping and talking to their friends.

Similar to Remy's blog, your focus was mainly on online connection, in you case, specifically facebook. I could understand that you chose this as your focus seeming as though this is the form of digital media we use most frequently.

I feel like this entry went off topic a little in the middle of the second paragraph where you started talking about identities and how people are fake and/or true online. Although this was a very interesting point I feel that you could have furthered this idea and connected it back to your main idea (of why people go on facebook) more clearly.

After reading your blog I think I'll notice more about why I am doing what I'm doing when it comes to digital media. Like why I feel the need to listen to music while on train or why I feel it is necessary have to text someone, etc.

You have interesting initial thoughts about digitalization, Thanks for sharing! -Sandy

Dinorah- I like the visual of your blog, I like how you used the different colors and added a picture making your blog more inviting and easier to read.

I feel like your main idea is that the internet and cyber space is just growing and growing pulling in more users as time progresses and because the internet is so addictive, this technology will always be apart of our lives from this point on.

I can personally connect to where you say that more and more people are using the internet everyday because, since we were one of the first generations to grow up with this technology and we are so casual using it, we are the ones teaching our parents and grandparents how to use them, in addition, when we get older, the next generations to come are going to be taught to use computers and internet by us which causes the internet users to increase.

I think this blog could be further developed if you organized your ideas and put them in a logical order. I understand for the assigment it did not really need to be organized but if you wanted to do another draft, for example, that's what I would suggest.

I like how you pointed out that there is a completely different environment and tone from when you talk to your online community to when you talk to the community you see every day. I think that after reading your blog I will notice it more.

Your ideas were interesting and I'd like to hear more from you throughout the year!-Sandy

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