Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Video Comment Responses

Omar- Thanks for your specific and thoughtful feedback.

Your follow up questions are helpful, they allow me to further think my ideas.

Your comment offered an insight of who's to blame for our addictions to digital representation devices. I simply noted that social norms play a role in the reasoning behind me using phones and computers and ipods all the time but your question helps me think deeper into that observation.

I feel like society does influence most people to use these electronics as much as we do in order to stay in the loop of meaningless drama, which relates to your post how most things we do on the computer are simply pointless as shown in our facial expressions while we conduct these digital representation devices.

A question we both seem interested in is the one you brought up in your comment, "Do you blame society for the abust of electronics or do you blame the individual for letting it consume their lives" Personally, I think its both, society markets these products that are huge time consumers but its also the person going out to buy these products and using them as much as they do often times for insignificant purposes.


Esther- Thanks for your encouraging comment! :)

Your comment was helpful because it made me think about the comparison between face to face experiences and digital experiences with other people, and it also made me think about who's to blame for our addictions to technology.

When you summarized my blog, you said it is not easy to escape social norms which I thought was an effective way to explain what I had said in a simpler way. I also like how you noticed that most people are aware that technology is taking over their lives, it makes me wonder, do we notice it just becausee we are taking this course or did we notice it before but did not want to do anything about it?

In your post, you talked about how our physical appearance is not exactly the most appealing while we are on the computer because the people you are talking to cannot see you. And in my post I talked more about what we do, maybe you'll laugh out loud (haha) or have different reactions as if the person was there. These two arguments contrast because the physical reaction is meant for other people to see but their physical appearance is not.

We both seem to agree that technology affects our physical being so what can be done about this to gain our physical ability back from all the time wasted using digital representation devices?

- Sandy<3

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