Saturday, September 26, 2009

Video Project

Untitled from Sandy G. on Vimeo.

My thoughts and feelings about my video are that I feel sort of taken over by technology. I allowed this addiction to digital life and technologies to hold true in my life because it was the norm of society, everyone else had it and you have to keep up with the progress in civilization. I notice that we adapt so well to technology, we deal with the tangled wires that get in the way and the way we type on the computer keyboard, how we text in a sort of awkward way, all these routine and elementary skills that we wouln't otherwise need without technology.

I feel like the physical experience of working technology and knowing how to use it is preventing us from using our bodies to its full extent. Technology allows us to do the bare minimum with our bodies, whereas in a sport we need to work our muscles to adapt to that type of physical activity. I notice how less flexible I am now than when I was younger and had less electronics but as the years pass by another electronic product adds to the list limiting my physical activity.

The contrast between the what is on the computer screen (or other electronics) and what a person looks like when they're on the computer is, it almost seems like the person is talking to themselves, we know that people's physical reactions to the computer screen are based on things that other people said because we've become accustomed to it but because there is no physical person there talking or responding to the person using the computer, sometimes it seems like they are reacting to their own controls but infact they are not. On the wii, what you do reflects what is on the tv screen with the motion sensors and the ability to create a character that looks like you.



    it was so creative. like mine sucks compared to yours I love the different angels you shot at and the ending. very nice.

    its defiantly unique <3

  2. Sandy,

    'Defiantly unique' is quite a nice compliment.

    The loop at the beginning was fun (too bad you can't show Rayman, his hero (Hofstadter) was obsessed with strange loops.

    Funny ending too - i lost an "o" and thought you were typing about g-d.

    This blurring you refer to in the 3rd paragraph between how we act towards the screen (as though a person was there) is interesting. Seems like the fundamental trick of the representational devices.

  3. This was a really cool video. Made mine look like shit. Unique is the perfect word for this video. I like the different camera angles you used and how you should a bunch of different electronics that you used. So yeah pretty cool video.

    I like how in your video you showed all the electronics you use and the in your summary/analysis you talk about how you think this is negatively affecting you. I like how you talk about how this whole digitalization has affected to you personally and give specific details.

    I think your completely right when you say that new technology has prevented us from using our bodies to the full extent. Looking back this is very significant in my life. There has been thousands of situations where i decided to do something digital or electronic instead of physical.

    I noticed that you said you let this digital way of life take over your life because it was a social norm. Do you blame society for the abuse of electronics or do you blame the individual for letting it consume their lives?

    Anyways. This was a great video. Look forward to future posts.


  4. Omar- Thanks for your specific and thoughtful feedback.

    Your follow up questions are helpful, they allow me to further think my ideas.

    Your comment offered an insight of who's to blame for our addictions to digital representation devices. I simply noted that social norms play a role in the reasoning behind me using phones and computers and ipods all the time but your question helps me think deeper into that observation.

    I feel like society does influence most people to use these electronics as much as we do in order to stay in the loop of meaningless drama, which relates to your post how most things we do on the computer are simply pointless as shown in our facial expressions while we conduct these digital representation devices.

    A question we both seem interested in is the one you brought up in your comment, "Do you blame society for the abust of electronics or do you blame the individual for letting it consume their lives" Personally, I think its both, society markets these products that are huge time consumers but its also the person going out to buy these products and using them as much as they do often times for insignificant purposes.


  5. Sandy,
    I'm so glad that I get to comment your blog now! Especially your video. Let me just say again, I love it so much.

    So like everyone else you complained that we are being taken over by technology. you told us how its become a norm in society and how we can't easily escape norms. I dunno if you said that percicely but that's what I was thinking.. You also connected your flexibility from the past to the present and how you explained it made total sense and I agree. I remember being so flexible is it because once your older you learn about this techonolgy you no longer give yourself time to exersise or do something acitve? good point.

    How I can connect to that is to myself. I remember I use to attend ballet like every other little girl when they were 7. and I remember being able to do splits and stuff, but ever since I was introduced to techonology [my dad] I suddendly stopped taking classes. So once again you made a great agrument something I believe everyone can relate to.

    "No I can't, Yes you can, No I can't, yes you can! --- cause you can't stop the beat!" Sandy your agruments are well supported the only thing I can say you can deepen the idea of the physical movenments someone makes in front of the screen vs actually moving in front of another person.

    "I notice that we adapt so well to technology, we deal with the tangled wires that get in the way and the way we type on the computer keyboard, how we text in a sort of awkward way, all these routine and elementary skills that we wouln't otherwise need without technology." sorry for pasting such a long quote but I thought it was important. You say that its a ruitine of ours, so are you also saying its not our fault that we [as in our generation] are at fault for being so digitalized? Or are you saying that it doesn't matter that it's just human development? hmmm who knows.

    Sandy I love your Video and explanation. I love you <3


  6. Esther- Thanks for your encouraging comment! :)

    Your comment was helpful because it made me think about the comparison between face to face experiences and digital experiences with other people, and it also made me think about who's to blame for our addictions to technology.

    When you summarized my blog, you said it is not easy to escape social norms which I thought was an effective way to explain what I had said in a simpler way. I also like how you noticed that most people are aware that technology is taking over their lives, it makes me wonder, do we notice it just becausee we are taking this course or did we notice it before but did not want to do anything about it?

    In your post, you talked about how our physical appearance is not exactly the most appealing while we are on the computer because the people you are talking to cannot see you. And in my post I talked more about what we do, maybe you'll laugh out loud (haha) or have different reactions as if the person was there. These two arguments contrast because the physical reaction is meant for other people to see but their physical appearance is not.

    We both seem to agree that technology affects our physical being so what can be done about this to gain our physical ability back from all the time wasted using digital representation devices?

    - Sandy<3
