Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Video Comments:

Esther- I liked your style of writing, you write like you speak so I can imagine you saying this.

So you were basically saying that because people cannot see us through the computer screen, they can only see the words that we type. Our physical appearance does not change while we are on the computer but what we actually do on the computer does change.

When you said that there wasn't much for you to cut around I remember I had that same problem when I was doing my video, I had like 6 minutes of just me watching tv talking on the phone, but I thought that was boring so I cut it down to like 20 seconds and then I didn't know what to do with the rest of the time.

Maybe to develop this post when you said, "I guess we look like this because no one is there to really grade us for our looks. No one sees us but the screen in front of us. Its complicated." You sound like you have more thoughts about this that could be devloped.

Also referring to that same quote, which I thought was very well put, how does this compare or contrast to talking to someone face to face? When you're talking to someone you might be subconscious about what you are doing or how you look, but when you're on the computer I guess we like to take advantage that the people on the other side of the computer screen cannot see us so we just do whatever we want.

You made some interesting observations :)- Sandy

Omar- I like how you were very honest in this post

You were basically saying that us using these digital representation devices is pointless and holds no significance in our lives.

When you said that you would not want your kids using technology as much as you do now, but allow them to have a balance between technology and reality, it reminded me of when we went outside to interview people, a hispanic woman said that she only allows her kids to use the computer once their homework is done and only for a certain amount of time.

In order to develop this post, I would suggest that you maybe expand on the points you make and extenuate them with clear examples or personal experiences.

I thinky you could further explore your first point, "we basically spend a lot of our time doing very pointless and insignificant things because that is what I'm doing here, nothing." One could argue that although it seems like you are doing nothing, but it is possible that one could be doing something important on the computer even though it doesn't look like it. From the perspective of just looking at the person on the computer and not the actual computer screen it will most likey look like they are doing nothing, as it did in most videos for this assignment.

Thanks for sharing these intersting points- Sandy

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